Summary of Story


Ji Shu is a young author of well-known books. Although his books are well-received by their numerous readers, Ji Shu suffers from emotional apathy and pessimism. His novels almost always end in tragedy, reflecting this gloomy outlook. He is the ideal BE (bad ending) writer in many ways. Song Yan Qi, on the other hand, is a positive film and drama series planner. She enjoys stories with happy endings (HE). Song Yan Qi would like to adapt a Ji Shu novel for the screen, but Ji Shu would not accept it if the story ended happily. However, when the duo is drawn into the novel's world, their lives are thrown into chaos. They begin to "rewrite" the story and become drawn to one another as they "live" the lives of Ji Shu's characters. However, will their own romantic tales end in happiness - or trouble?